Everyone is required to read and abide by the AMCA Show Rules. After you have had an opportunity to review the rules, if you have any questions please contact AMCA or "Click" on the link at the bottom of the page to access the Table Registration form. Submission of the Table Registration form is an acknowledgement that you have read, understand and will comply this the rules & regulartions, as written. |
AMCA Show Registration
Show Rules & Regulations

- By submitting an AMCA Table Reservation Form, you acknowledge that you have read the AMCA Show Rules & Regulations and agree to comply with the following:
- AMCA badges will be worn at all times. Public ID will be by “AMCA” Stamp.
- ALL Firearms will be surrendered for inspected and tie-wraps used in such a manner as to render them inoperative, to include “Concealed Carry” weapons.
- All Carry-In bags are subject to inspection.
- No Alcoholic Beverages.
- Persons under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
- No Exhibitor may display “Show Advertising Material” or handed out without permission from AMCA management.
- No Pets. Exception: Certified Service Dogs.
- No photographs of displays or exhibitors will be taken without AMCA management approval.
- AMCA management reserves the right to make such additional rules & regulations as it deems necessary, and exhibitors agree to accept such rules & regulations and any interpretation of such as set by AMCA management.
- FIREARMS - SALE: All Firearms must be transported to and from any AMCA Show in a safe & legal manner. It is the responsibility of the “Table Holder” to ensure that all firearms for sale are un-loaded to include all magazines, while in the AMCA leased facility and adjacent properties.
- All “Metallic Cartridge “firearms, for sale, MUST be tie-wrapped before they are placed on a table, in a secured case and / or handled by anyone.
- Detachable magazines will be removed from all firearms and stored separately!
- Table Holders conducting Retail Business under a Type 1 or Type 2 FFL, will prominently display their FFL at all times. The dealer MUST provide a copy of their FFL and a “Certificate of Insurance” naming AMCA, Inc., as an additional insured, in the amount of $1,000,000.00 each occurrence.
- ALL firearms transactions will take place in the AMCA leased facility and will strictly comply with all local, state and federal (BATF) firearms regulations in all firearms transactions.
- No loaded firearms, loaded magazines/clips are permitted at any time, in the AMCA leased facility with the exception of authorized law enforcement personnel.
- FIREARMS - DISPLAY: : It is the responsibility of the “Table Holder” to ensure that all firearms are un-loaded including magazines/clips, while in the AMCA leased facility and adjacent properties.
- ALL “Metallic-Cartridge” Firearms which are for “Display Only” may be displayed with a magazine, as appropriate and without a tie-wrap. It is the responsibility of the “Table Holder” to provide a means to ensure security of their display which discourages casual/deliberate access to all firearms by the public. Constant vigilance by the “Table Holder” over their display is critical to safeguard these items. The use of “Display Only – Do Not Handle” placards or signs are strongly recommend.
- PROHIBITED ITEMS: AMCA Shows are Family Events. The following items are prohibited from ALL AMCA Shows.
- Prohibited Items are Defined as; Those items deemed as not appropriate and therefore not permitted in the leased facility IAW this Policy as approved by AMCA Management. These items may neither be offered / advertised for sale in the leased facility, nor offered for sale in the surrounding public parking lot areas. Violators will be escorted from the premises and their AMCA privileges suspended.
- No Firearms that have been declared illegal by the Federal Government, BATF, the State of Alabama, Madison County, or the City of Huntsville will be brought into any AMCA Show by a member, non-member or patron.
- No Non-Military Commercially Produced Firearms.
- No Black / Smokeless Powder or like.
- No Banned weapons, not only firearms.
- No Explosive ordnance, destructive devices, parts designed to convert a semi-automatic firearm to full automatic, drop-in-sears, silencer tubes or parts or accessories that may be used on any firearm as a suppressor or silencer.
- No Reloading equipment, parts/dies and related accessories.
- No Books, audio and/or films/videos/CD’s that describe the fabrication of any device i.e., silencers, bombs, etc. and/or describe the making of booby-Traps, or How to Kill which are illegal under federal, state and local laws.
- No Pornographic materials or items with obscene language or graphics, racist, ethnic, sexist, Neo-Nazi, or hate-mongering material, included but not limited to T-shirts, magazines, videos, bumper stickers, etc.
- No material of ANY nature glorifying, perpetuation, propagating propaganda items and/or displays of any hate material (race, religion, color, sex, etc.).
- No Non-Related Military Books, Pictures & Literature.
- No Gems, Minerals, Cameras, Glass/Dinnerware, Bumper-Stickers.
- No Non-Military Commercially produced folding knives.
- No Non-Military Clothes, field gear, equipment, etc.
- No Fishing, Athletic and sporting equipment.
- No Toys or Flea Market Items.
- FULL DISCLOSURE: Each Exhibitor is obligated to honestly and properly present his / her merchandise at ALL AMCA Shows. Reproductions, altered items, or originals that have been modified must be so identified. At the discretion of AMCA management, any such merchandise not properly labeled must be removed from display. Complaints from the public will be promptly investigated.
- BADGES: Exhibitors must wear AMCA badges at all times during the Show. Member Badges can be replaced for a nominal fee. These fees and forms can be obtained at the Secretaries table.
- TABLES: Table covers are required on ALL tables.
- Each Table Holder is responsible for any and all actions / activities of those individuals assigned or present at his / her tables.
- No Sales are allowed from Display Tables.
- No boards, panels or display cases on top of tables will protrude into the aisle.
- No merchandise will be placed / displayed on the floor protruding into the aisle. Any fine assessed by the Fire Marshal for these infringements will be paid for by the Table Holder.
- No tables will be repositioned, as the floor plan has been previously approved by the Fire Marshal.
- Unoccupied tables as of 11:00 a.m. of the 1st Show Day revert back to AMCA and are subject to resale, unless notified by the table holder of his/her circumstances.
- SECURITY: 24hr Security is provided at ALL AMCA Shows. Security is provide by local uniformed / plain clothes police and AMCA security personnel, however AMCA is not responsible for items that may be lost, stolen or damaged during Show. We suggest you never leave your table unattended. You can assist AMCA management by reporting any suspicious activity immediately to AMCA and/or a uniformed police officer.
- SET-UP / TEAR DOWN: Exhibitors will utilize the EAST Entrance “Designated Door” as their entry/exit point of Registration / Set-Up / Tear Down. All other doors are designated by the City of Huntsville Fire Marshall as FIRE EXITS and will remain closed throughout the Show event.
- The EAST Entrance “Designated Door” will be CLOSED/SECURED @ 1PM, when the Show is Open to the Public.
- The Main Entrance SOUTH is the only Entry/Exit point to the facility when the Show is OPEN to the Public!
- Exhibitors will not park in front of the roll-up door on the EAST end of the facility. Off & On loading of merchandise will take place in the parking lot area and transported to the “Designated Door” entrance.
- The EAST Entrance will RE-OPEN at the conclusion of the Show for Tear Down / Load out, or at any time so designated by AMCA Management.
- ALL vehicles are subject to search.
- DISPLAY JUDGING GUIDELINES: Click HERE to see the Display Judging Guidelines.
- CANCELLATION: If an AMCA Show is CANCELLED, its sole responsibility to return any deposits previously paid to the table holder and neither party shall have any further rights, obligations, or liabilities to the other. However, by mutual agreement these fees paid may be applied to the next AMCA Show.
Thank You,
AMCA Management
Questions? Email: AMCAHQ for any additional information. |
By clicking the "I Accept" button, you acknowledge that you have read and understand the show rules. |
Click here to print show rules. |
Judging Guidelines for Display Awards - Click here to print Display Judging Guidelines FOR Future Shows. |